Harish Gupta (National Editor, Lokmat Group)
New Delhi, July 2
Telangana emerged on top of the Coronavirus cases in India in terms of percentage today. It pushed Maharashtra to the second slot and Delhi as cases are rising there very rapidly while these are on the decline in these hot spot states. This has caused a new worry to the Centre which had been nudging Telangana to conduct more tests.
The data accessed by Lokmat suggest from
official Health ministry sources revealed that positive cases touched a record high 18.7% pushing Maharashtra to 18.5% and Delhi 16.3%.
Though the number of Covid cases in Telanagana are 17357 only compared to Maharashtra’s 1.86 lakh and Delhi’s 89802 cases. But these states (see the table) have undertaken record tests since February and due to sustained efforts, cases are on the decline. Even these cases had not been possible had the Centre not pushed and the High Court not scolded the state for less tests. The daily testing in Telagana was just 1096 on June 17 which has now risen to 7691 until July 1 night.
If the positive cases were 269 cases on June 17, they rose to 17357 yesterday, a jump of more than 60 times in less than a fortnight. The testing during the last fortnight rose seven times only – from 1096 tests to 7691 on July 1 night.
Surprisingly, neighbouring Andhra Pradesh

conducted 9.18 lakh tests and its positive cases rate is just 1.7% - lowest in the country. But Maharashtra was on top in the country in conducting highest with 50825 tests. Interestingly, Tamil Nadu conducted 12.02 lakh cases and positive cases are 7.8%.
One Crore tests by this weekend
Interestingly, India will set a new record when it may cross one crore Covid test mark. It nearly touched 2.30 lakh tests per day record today.
India conducted 37.37 lakh tests on May 31 and positive cases were 4.9% which has now risen to 6.7%- a jump of nearly two percent. In terms of numbers, the cases rose from 1.82 lakhs to 6.04 lakhs..